
Software editing for chinese language

pINkaccV • 2023-07-11 09:03 • 400 次点击 •

hello everyone, i try to buy a themes and plugin in emlog, but a few php cant to edit cause encoding i try edit with big5 and gb2312 cant work, sorry if i use english languge cause im from indonesian...
i edit with visual studio, phpstorm and notepad++ cant work.
are you'll have a recommended for this problem ?, cause i will change language...\

thank you so much if u want give me a tutorial...

酷乐网 用户2023-08-25 14:30
This plugin is encrypted, so it cannot be modified.
那多记忆 管理员2023-07-12 08:18
Some paid plug-in codes are encrypted and obfuscated and do not support direct modification.
子恒 用户2023-07-11 17:05
I think it is an encrypted file, so it cannot be edited. If possible, please provide the PHP file for testing
pINkaccV 楼主2023-07-11 18:13
@子恒:i cant share the script cause this item is commercial

i cant edit lib and api
那多记忆 管理员2023-07-11 10:13
You can try utf8 mb4 encoding
pINkaccV 楼主2023-07-11 10:41
@那多记忆:what the software to use utf8mb4 cause i not find in my file manager, phpstorm, and visual code